Why do you only have information on Missouri state wide races for the August 6 primary?

Our AI assisted candidate profile builder is in development. All profiles are checked by humans at the moment, limiting rapid scalability. In subsequent election cycles we’ll offer many more races.

Can candidates input their own profile data?

Absolutely! During the beta test, candidates are asked to create a user profile, answer all survey questions for all issues, and email info@reson.us for us to link the candidate and user profile.

How do you build the candidate profile?

Resonus surveys candidates’ websites, social media accounts, information about past voting records for incumbents, and news media to construct a data model of the candidate’s public opinions. The source of the candidate’s opinion model on any particular topic is directly available in the Resonus app by clicking on the topic in the candidate alignment detail.

How do I save my selections for easy reference at the polls?

Tapping on the candidate’s alignment score on the ballot page takes you to the detail screen, but tapping on the candidate’s name highlights them as your choice for your future reference.

Why are some of the alignment score colors less intense than others? 

Resonus has not found references to all issues for every candidate. Candidates with less information about the topics you said were most important to you will have a dimmed alignment score box. Agreeing on everything can seem great until you notice there is only one available datapoint for that candidate and 5-10 for the others!

What is the hide candidate option?

On the Profile screen you can click “Edit Profile” and check or uncheck “Hide Candidate Identity”. This will suppress the party affiliation of the candidate and replace their name with “Candidate A, B, C” in random order. It gives you the opportunity to browse their positions without our natural biases, select your favorites, and then “Hide Candidate Identity” back off to learn their names.

Why do you need my address?

Your address is used to make sure you have the right ballot, which can even vary from your neighbor across the street depending on boundaries for the area represented by each race.

Why do you need my birthday?

Your birthday, combined with your first and last name, helps identify you as a unique, important, and real person.

Will you sell my data?

Resonus will not sell personal data that describes you individually (e.g. name, contact information, or birthday). Resonus does not currently sell any data. In the future Resonus plans to sell summaries of many peoples’ opinions (e.g. this many people think this about a certain issue, and those many people think that about a certain issue, in this city) to local governments and news organizations. This allows the service to be free for regular users.

Will you launch the government official messaging feature?

This is currently planed for 2025.

What is the best way to use Resonus?

Resonus is a mobile first application optimized for the Chrome browser.